Monday, November 23, 2009

Installing Websecurify 0.4...

Websecurify is a web application testing tool developed by Petko Petkov that automatically identifies web application vulnerabilities by using advanced discovery and fuzzing technologies. To know more about Websecurify, click on the link here.

For Ubuntu 8.10 (or older) users (others can skip to the Websecurify Installation section below)

Before installing Websecurify on your Ubuntu system, you will need to have xulrunner v1.9.1 (or higher) installed. Since your installation of Ubuntu has an older version of xulrunner, you will need to update your system to meet this pre-requisite. The easiest way to do this is by installing Firefox 3.5 which come with the required version xulrunner.

The easiest/safest way to do this is to go to the "ubuntu-mozilla-daily" PPA archive at URL:

Follow the instruction there to get your version of Ubuntu installed with the correct repository that holds the version on firefox 3.5 compatible with your Ubuntu installation. Remember to also install the public key to you don't get prompted with security warnings when trying to use the repository.

Then, we update the machine's repository database with:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

To install Firefox 3.5 (warning, this will replace older versions of firefox in your Ubuntu machine):

sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5

Websecurify Installation

Download the Linux version at URL (download the file to your Desktop)

Create a folder to store the websecurify application:

mkdir ~/websecurify-0.4

Go into the folder you just created:

cd ~/websecurify-0.4

Extract the archive:

tar -zxvvf ~/Desktop/Websecurify\ 0.4.tgz

To install the application, type:

xulrunner --install-app application.ini

To launch Websecurify, type:

xulrunner --app application.ini

Note: For Ubuntu 8.10 (or older) users, you must type in xulrunner-1.9.1 instead of xulrunner to install and to launch Websecurify.

1 comment:

  1. Hi all,

    Websecurify 0.5 is out, you may want to revisit the hosting site and download the latest version.
