Friday, September 16, 2011

Installing THC-Hydra 7.0

THC just released a new version of Hydra (URL, a very fast network logon cracker which support many different services (so the website says). I decided to install this on my home laptop. On Ubuntu, you will need to compile the source code provided at URL

I proceeded to untar the source code and when I did the ./configure command, a list of libraries that Hydra requires was missing from my laptop. I only managed to install some of the libraries with the command:

sudo apt-fast install libpq-dev libsvn-dev libssh-dev

However, when I ran the ./configure command again, not all libraries were installed (I couldn't' figure out which ones they wanted). The output I got after the second ./configure was:

Starting hydra auto configuration ...

Detected 32 Bit Linux OS

Checking for openssl (libssl, libcrypto, ssl.h, sha.h) ...
... found
Checking for idn ( ...
... NOT found, unicode logins and passwords will not be supported
Checking for pcre (, pcre.h) ...
... found
Checking for Postgres (, libpq-fe.h) ...
... found
Checking for SVN (libsvn_client-1 ...
... found
Checking for firebird ( ...
... NOT found, module firebird disabled
Checking for MYSQL client (, math.h) ...
... found
Checking for AFP ( ...
... NOT found, module Apple Filing Protocol disabled - Apple sucks anyway
Checking for NCP ( / nwcalls.h) ...
... found
Checking for SAP/R3 (librfc/saprfc.h) ...
... NOT found, module sapr3 disabled
Get it from
Checking for libssh (libssh/libssh.h) ...
... found
Checking for Oracle ( / oci.h) ...
... NOT found, module Oracle disabled
Checking for GUI req's (pkg-config, gtk+-2.0) ...
... found

Hydra will be installed into .../bin of: /usr/local
(change this by running ./configure --prefix=path)

Writing ...
now type "make"

I then proceeded to issue the make && sudo make install command to compile and install the program.

The program seems to work and I hope somebody out there reading this can help me with the missing "NOT found, module..." errors.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

This blog is so dead (not!)...

I know I have been rather quiet with my "Life with Ubuntu" blog. Work has gotten the better part of me and what little time I have now is usually me messing about on my linux based Nokia N900.

My last post mentioned that was going to test Ubuntu 10.10 but looking at all the changes Canonical has been doing, I think I will stick to my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS build until something compels me to upgrade (perhaps to the next LTS version).

There are a few article I plan to post in this blog, but it will tie in with another blog I've created called Life with Maemo which is about my Nokia N900 computer (with phone functionality) running the Maemo 5 operating system (which itself is an ARM based Debian linux "ecosystem").

Ohh! a belated Merry Christmas and a (belated!) Happy New Year!